Thank You God Always


Thank God He isn’t a man and His love is real and his mercies are new every morning.

It was 3am that morning and I’d been unable to sleep, my heart and my mind continued to clash and collide, each reminding me of the things I had not attained as well as a crippling fear of what the future would bring.

While thinking and sipping a glass of water, it suddenly struck me that I should be grateful for the little things in my life. Though I was morose at that moment, I just needed to acclimatize to the promises of the omnipresent father, I felt far away but his mercy and love dwell in this realm forever. We often do not realize how blessed we are to have the “bare necessities” on the floor in my room then I began to thank God for each day, yesterday, today, and the forthcoming days.

Whenever I feel like crying and wondering why I keep lying I remind myself of the great and insurmountable things God has manifested in my life over time. The words across my lips can’t express how I feel at the moment so I just give thanks for the entirety of my existence.

Whatever I become is courtesy of God’s mercy and love, his grace continually shines upon my path, he didn’t fail me yesterday so he certainly can’t disappoint me today, my future is sublime in the hands of Christ.

Though I worry and feel fear, God’s glory is unapologetic and forever here, his hands always pull me nigh.

His grace is sufficient daily, when man fails you when your heart pounds like you’re about to drown endeavor to scream and shout to the king, the one who is who was and forever will be… thank you God always.

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