Advancing Christianity Through The Use Of Social Media


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”- Matt. 28:19

There are no excuses for failing to engage in evangelism and disseminating the word of Christ.

You have your cellphone; you have your numerous gadgets and tools, put out the word and let the world hear about God’s goodness.

Let the world hear about the name of Jesus, let God be praised through your life.

Tell people about the goodness of Christ through the use of social media and other platforms.

Sing the song of your testimonies, share the good news with your mutual friends on Facebook and your followers on Twitter; do not shy away from God’s beautiful expression in your life. Remember, let your so shine before men and let others join in hearing your testimony.

In the morning when you wake up, tell the world of God’s goodness. At night prior to retiring to bed, recount God’s goodness through your Instagram reels; shine your light through the darkness beclouding the earth.

Each day is an opportunity to spread God’s word.

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