Remission of Sins


For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

Matthew 26:28 (KJV)

Growing up, the phrase, “forgive and forget” was not far from our mouths. We’d offend our mate, or even get into trouble, and beg that we’d be forgiven, and, somehow, hope that our actions be forgotten. At other times, we were at the receiving end and, after much pleading by the offender, we’d say that we have forgiven the person, and forgotten the offense. But how true was this? Did we ever forget?

I remember that as soon as the person hurt us again (and kids do have a way of hurting their peers while playing, albeit innocently), we were quick to cite the previous thing the person did that hurt us; the same thing we claimed to have forgotten. Ha ha!

In our text, in the Koine Greek in which the Apostle Matthew wrote his gospel, he uses the phrase “…remission of sins” as against “…forgiveness of sins”. At first glance, one will be forgiven (pun intended) for missing the purpose of his choice of words. But with careful perusal, the reason floods the reader’s heart with light.

So, what is the difference between remission and forgiveness, as used in the Bible?

Forgiveness is the Koine Greek word, “aphiemi”, while remission is the word, “aphesis”. With forgiveness, there is a record that the deed was done, even though the deed has been overlooked. Whereas, with remission, not only is the deed overlooked, all records of the deed are expunged. It is as if the deed never happened. Hallelujah!

¹³ For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:

¹⁴ How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

Hebrews 9 (KJV)

In the old testament (covenant), the blood of bulls, in bringing about forgiveness, fell short of ridding us of the guilt of sin, for the deed went on record, and this hindered our souls from being free from sin, itself. But under the new covenant, the blood of Jesus, not only washes away our sins, but also expunges it from God’s record book.

Are you a Christian on the run; keeping your distance from God because you committed a sin you know you shouldn’t have? God is calling you today. He says He has no record of your sin. It’s been expunged by the precious blood of Jesus. He says you should come into His throne of grace, boldly, in order to obtain mercy (pardon in place of judgement) and find grace to help [you live above sin] in time of need (temptation, test, trials and tribulations, etc).

If you haven’t been washed by the special blood of Jesus and would love to, say this prayer:

Heavenly Father, I come before you a sinful man deserving of judgement. I believe You love me, so much so that you gave your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die and shed His blood for the remission of my sins. I accept Him, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Saviour. I confess that I am Born again. In Jesus’ name I have prayed. Amen!

Welcome to a life above sin and its guilt!

Udochukwu Ọnụọha

Udochukwu Ọnụọha

Born on February 13, !987, to the family of DR. and MRS. O. O. Ọnụọha, Udochukwu grew up in a close-knit extended family. Family values have always meant a lot to him, so much so that having made Church 3:16 his home, these values now play a paramount role in his daily interractions with members of the church..

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